FAQs Vitafos®

What are dietary supplements?

They are nutritional formulas used to supplement the diet when regular food is not able to cover daily needs, thereby promoting good health.

What is Vitafos®?

Vitafos® is a dietary supplement with a high nutritional value that is also gluten-free and low in lactose. It helps cover the energy and nutrient requirements of children between the ages of one and ten years when regular diets are unable to cover their daily needs.

When is the use of Vitafos® indicated?

Vitafos® can be used as a supplement for regular diets or as a complete diet when daily food intake is insufficient:

How should Vitafos® be prepared?

To prepare a 200 ml portion, add four levelled spoonfuls of Vitafos® to a glass of warm water (160 ml) and stir until completely dissolved.

Can I mix Vitafos® with a liquid other than water? And with what foods?

Vitafos® can be used as a single source of food or as a supplement to a regular diet.

It has a pleasant vanilla taste and dissolves easily in water or foods. This means that it can be dissolved in water for a shake with a pleasant vanilla flavor as well as in other liquids, such as juice or soup.

It can also be used to enrich vegetable purées, creams, desserts, etc. by boosting their caloric value without increasing their volume.

How many portions of Vitafos® should a child ingest each day?

The amount of Vitafos® to be administered will vary depending on whether it is being used as a supplement or as a complete diet, as well as on the needs to be covered. Consult your pediatrician for the most suitable quantity in accordance with the child's age, weight, etc.

Remember that dietary supplements should not be used to replace a balanced and varied diet.

In what formats is Vitafos® available?

Vitafos® is available in a powder format in 400 g containers.

A 400 g container of Vitafos® provides approximately seven portions of reconstituted product.

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