Saudi Arabian corn bread

7th October 2020
Make him enjoy his breakfast

Ingredients for four servings

  • 1.5 cups (200 g) of corn flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 1.5 cups (180 g) of white sugar
  • 2 tsp (16 g) of baking powder
  • 1/3 cup (50 ml) of whole milk
  • 15 scoops of Vitafos®
  • butter



  • Mix the eggs and the sugar.
  • Slowly add the Vitafos®, flour, baking powder, and milk to create a homogeneous dough.
  • Pour into a baking pan that has been greased with butter.
  • Bake in the oven at 160ºC for about 45 minutes.
  • Serve cold.


Nutritional value (per serving)

Energy value: 715.81 Kcal; Proteins: 20.07 g; Carbohydrates: 112.62 g; Fat: 19.17 g.


Nutritional remarks

Whole milk contains a little more fat than other types of milk, but it is also a rich source of calcium as well as vitamins D, B2, and A. It will also help give consistency to the recipe.
Corn flour does not contain gluten, making it perfect for people who are gluten intolerant.
Not suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. To prepare this recipe for someone who is lactose intolerant, substitute the milk with a soy or rice beverage.
This recipe is rich in carbohydrates that provide a great deal of energy. In addition, the Vitafos® supplement helps cover protein and energy requirements.


Gastronomic remarks

This sweet recipe is suitable for people who are gluten intolerant. It is also easy to prepare, making it perfect for children to make and eat.


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